Ivan The Remarkable True Story Of The Shopping Mall Gorilla

”Ivan the Remarkable true story of the shopping mall gorilla” Is written by Katherine Applegate and illustrated by G Brian Ross. The book is about a sad story of a gorilla named Ivan the book starts off of a six month Ivan getting poached and then they put him in a crate with another young gorilla named Berman. When they arrive in Tacoma Berman dies in a couple months so then Ivan lives with the pet store owner and he lives as a human. but when he gets bigger the put him in a 14 by 14 chamber and he lives there till the zoo rescues him. Ivan dies in 2011 at 5o years old in the Atlanta zoo. What I think of the story is it starts off sad but it has a happy ending and I think that it is great that people stood up for him and helped him get to the zoo.

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